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A. Frequency of the bacterial agents in urinary tract infection and their antibiotic susceptibility pattern in Semnan. koomesh. 2000;1(4):e151905.
Introduction . Urina ry tra ct infection (U.T. I) is th e most common infe ction in ad ults . In much infectio n diseas es, including UT I, it is necessary to be performed th e treatm en t before having cultured. The aim of this study is to determine the fre quency of the ba cteria l agents in U.T. I a nd th e ir a ntibi ot ic susceptibility pattern ttl Se mnan populati on. Materials and Methods. The un ne specime ns were collec ted fro m the patients referred to Semnan clinica l labora tories. All specimens performed M.S.U a nd (Ull ml of each of them cultured th ro ugh a ca librated loo p o n blood ag ar a nd E.M.B ag ar. The cultures of the pat ients who had not been o pe rated or ca the te rized in two last weeks, tra nsfe rred to facu lty of medicin e to ide ntify the bacteria and the a nti biotic se nsitiv ity. Results. The frequency of th e bacterial agents in 932 specimen a re as follow: li 704[75.5%] Klebsie lla 162[ 17.4%], Co agulase nega tive Staphyloco cci 22[2.4%], Citrobacte r 22[2.4%], Enterobac te r 11[1.2%], Pseudomon as 4 [0.4%], Proteus 4 [0.4%], Enterococci 3 [0.3%1a nd the a ntibiotic se nsitivity a re: Ciprotloxacin 93.7%, Ge nta rnycin YO%, Cefixi rne 86.1%, Nalid ixic acid 73.8%, Nitrofura nto in 65.2%, Co - trimoxasole 42%, Ampicillin 3.6%. Conclusion. li, Klebsiella, and Coagulas e nega tive Staphylococci have th e mos t incide nce , wh ile Pro teu s a nd Enterococci possess the least in U.T. ! in Sernnan . The most se nsit ivity to a ntib iotics observed to Cipru tloxacin, Gentamycin a nd Cefixirne. but the least se nsitiv ity to Ampic illin.
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