Prevalence of anemia and some of the related individual factors in the third trimest e r of the pregnancy in women referred to Semnan university of medical sciences clin ics (1999 )


avatar Nahid Rahbar , * , avatar Sahar KhanSoltani , avatar Masome RashmeKarim , avatar Raheb Ghorbani ORCID

How To Cite Rahbar N, KhanSoltani S, RashmeKarim M, Ghorbani R. Prevalence of anemia and some of the related individual factors in the third trimest e r of the pregnancy in women referred to Semnan university of medical sciences clin ics (1999 ). koomesh. 2000;1(4):e151908. 


Introduction. Anemia is one of the ma in problems of the public health in the world. Women in fertili ty ages . yo ung childre n and infa nts invo lved to this dise as e mostly.The major complica tions are to incre ase the morta lity ra te in pregnant women a nd the low birt h we ig ht infants. Du e to high preva len ce of a ne mia in common populati on in Semnan province (36.7% in 1