Comparison of the efficacy of two months of treatment with Co-trimoxasol + Rifampine versus Doxycycline + Rifampine in brucellosis


avatar MohammadReza HassanjaniRodhan , *

How To Cite HassanjaniRodhan M. Comparison of the efficacy of two months of treatment with Co-trimoxasol + Rifampine versus Doxycycline + Rifampine in brucellosis. koomesh. 2001;2(2):e151922. 


Introduction. Treatment of brucellosis is a medical pro blem, a nd regimens of treatment with dura tion of six wee ks have significant relapse. This disease is prevalent in our country. The aim of this study was to compaire the efficacy of two months of treatment with two different regImens. Materials and Methods. From April 1998 to September 2000, this interventional study was pe rfo rmed o n patient with brucell osis in Yahyanej ad hospital in Babol. O ne of t his 2 regimens [Co-Trirnoxasol + Rifarnpin e (Re gime n I) and Doxycycline + Rifampine (Regimen II )] wa s rand omly presc rib ed and a ll cas es were foll owed for 12 months . Aft er treatment, clinical manifestations and relapses with 2 regimens were examined by Chi-Sq uaire test. Results. 66 ca se s with mean age 31.6 ± 13.7 ye ars and 63 cases with mean a ge 36 ± 15.4 years were treated by regimen I and II a nd relapse rate was 10% and 25.3% resp ectively. In compa rison to regimen II, regimen I reduced relapse rate 2.3 folds (P= 0.021). From 23 cases of re lapse, 13 ca se s were female and 10 cases were male a nd 61% of re la pse cases were occure d within six months after treatment. Conclusion. T hi s s t udy showed th at Co- t r imoxa so l + Rifampine in compa re d with Doxycycline + Rifampine is a pre fe red regime n. Follow up for o ne yea r is ne cessary following treatment according to find out re lap sing cases.