Effect of low molecular weight heparin on post operative inflammation in Phacomorphic Glaucoma


avatar Ali Abdolahi , * , avatar MohammadTaghi Naeini

How To Cite Abdolahi A, Naeini M. Effect of low molecular weight heparin on post operative inflammation in Phacomorphic Glaucoma. koomesh. 2001;2(2):e151925. 


Introduction . The aim of th is study was to evaluate the effect of intraoperative low molecular weight (LMW) heparin in reducing the severi ty of postop er ative intlammato ry responce after standa rd extracapsular cataract extraction and PCIOL implanta tion in cases of phacomorphic glaucoma. Material and Method. In this radomized blind clinical tri al 46 eyes (23 cases and 24 contro ls) were opera ted o n by a single surgeo n. In th e cases, 5 IU/ml LMW he pa r in (Fragmin) wa sadded to irrigating fluid . Intra operative a nd postoperative hemorr hage, degree of postopera t ive fibrin a nd pos to perative synechinae formatio n, pigment deposits on the intraocular lens were eva luated in the both cases and con trols. Results. Mean age was 68± 8.1 years. Male to female ratio was 1/2. Cases and controls wer e mat ched re ga rd ing age , se x, duration of operatio n and hospital iza t ion, pre opera tive lO P, concur rent ocular or systemic disease and smoking. In the cases, ther e were significantly less cells, flare , fibrin, pigment deposits a nd infl ammation. Fin al visu al a cuity was significantly (P < O.OOl) bette r in case tha n co ntrol group (20/50 Vs 20/ 125) . Case and co ntrol groups were comparable regarding intraoper ative and postoperative hemorrh age. Conclusion . the data indic at e that ad ding 5 IU/ml LMW heparin to the irrigating tluid during cataract surgery is safe, red uces postoperative fibrin for mation and lead s to bette rvisual results in phacomorphic glau coma