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P, Sohrabi
M. Staff radiation doses associated with nuclear procedures and efficacy of syringe shield for reduction dose. koomesh. 2001;2(2):e151927.
Introduction. Reduction dose of nuclear medicine staff with consideration of ALARA need to aware ne ss of ex p osur e manner and t he effec t of reduction dose methods, by way of measurement. Nucle ar medicine staff receive dose from two main localities of exp osure, the first radiopharmaceuti cal consist of storage, milking, preparetion, distribution and inje ction of radioact ive substances and th e se cond rad ioa cti ve pa t ie nt, patient wh o give s ra dioactive substances. In this investig ation, we measured exposure from two main loca lities of exposure and efficacy of syringe shield and apron for reduct ion dose . Material and Methods. Superficial and deep dose equivalent of chest (Whole body) gonads and superficial dose equivalent of fingers from two main localities for exposure was measured with IiI' (TLD-lOO) in four departments of nuclear medicine for a month. Superficial and deep dose equivalent before and after a lead plasti c with 0.35 mmpb thickness was measured with TLD for a month. The superficial dose equivalent rate of syringe and syringe shield was measured while syringes was cantained 85, 370 and 740 MBq of Tc-99m. Results. Mean superficial and deep dose equivalent of chest and gonads were equal but supe rficial dose equivalent of fingers from radiopharmaceutical main locality of exposure was rather (P
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