Effect of 17 beta-estradiol on wound healing in overiectomized rats


avatar Maryam Shahabi , * , avatar Mohammad Khaksari

How To Cite Shahabi M, Khaksari M. Effect of 17 beta-estradiol on wound healing in overiectomized rats. koomesh. 2002;3(1):e151938. 


Introduction: In addition to their actions on reproductive function, estrogen has important effect on neovascvlarization, proliferation of cells and increase of growth hormone secretion. In this study, the possible effects of 17-b estradio l on cutaneous wound re pair in ovariectomized rats were evaluated. Materials and Methods: This experimental study performed on eighty adult female rats . After anaesthesia, all animals were ovariectomized, and they we re ran domly divided into 6 gro ups (n = 12 in e ach group). Group I and II (co nt rol groups) received daily topically or subcuta neous injections of 0.1 ml of sesamin oil (vehicle) , respectively. Group III and IV treated once dialy with 17-b est radiol valerate ointment (10, and 25 mg/kg, respectively). Group V and VI re cevie d daily subcutaneous inje ct ion of 17-b estr adiol valerate on the day of wounding. After aneasthesia, full thickness skin of upper dors al pa rt of the rats removed in 3 cm2 ar ea. Wound surface area measured in I, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22 and 25 post-operative days. The time required for complete healing was also recorded. Results: The res ults show that me an of surface ar e a of wound in all groups at the 1st da y were similar. Surfa ce area in group IV at 4th, and 7th day was more than groups I (P < O.OOI) and III (P