Intra-abdominal desmoplastic small- round cell tumor


avatar Vahid Semnani , * , avatar Afshin Moradi

How To Cite Semnani V, Moradi A. Intra-abdominal desmoplastic small- round cell tumor. koomesh. 2002;4(1):e151964. 


Intra - abdomina l demoplast ic small-ro und cell tumor is rare Mal ignancy with a p re dilectio n fo r peri toneum o f yo o ng ma le s . Severe asci t is a n d retrope rito neom in volvme n t a r e uncommonclinical ma nifastaion o f thi s tumor. The main manifestation of this tumor include ab rupt a bdomin a l disten tion, seve re ascitis , disseminat ion o f tumor in retroperitoneum and various peritoneum involvment.