The effects of spinal cord transection on prostate gland mast cells in rats


avatar Hamid Reza Sameni , *

How To Cite Sameni H R. The effects of spinal cord transection on prostate gland mast cells in rats. koomesh. 2002;4(1):e151970. 


Introduction: The biochemical studies in men with spinal cord injured is shown increasi ng of Antisperrn-Antibody titrate. It causes to decre ase of fert ility by the way to decrease of sperm penetrability into ovum and to pass the sperm from mucosal cervix. The purpos e of it st udy is to survey of the number s and activity of the prostate gland mast cells on spinal cord injured . Materials and Methods: 42 male sprague -dawley rat s (3-4 months of age ) were divided to two gro ups(Experime ntal =EXP and Control =CON groups). In EXP gro ups, spinal cord was cut off by Bilateral laminectomy at the level 1'9 and in CON groups just the surgical without spi nal cord transectio n. After killing the anima ls at 7th, 14th and 21th days from operat ion , spec imens was extruded of anima ls bod y. Then to accomplish usu al histilo gical techniques and seriall y se ctioned at 4 micron. The sect io ns were sta ined with the Toluidin blue % I and Trichrome mas son a nd H;E methods a nd by ligh t micr oscope eq uipped wit h a degree Eye piece a nd Camera lucida were counted different kinds of mast ce lls and analyzed through Student T-test and Anova . Results: The result s shown in EXP groups (7 and 14 days ) number of total mas t cells (specialy grade 2,3) were increased (P