Effect of a patella support brace on myoelectric activity of knee joint muscles during single leg landing


avatar Fatemeh SalariAskar , avatar Mehrdad Anbarian , * , avatar Hamed Esmaeili

How To Cite SalariAskar F, Anbarian M, Esmaeili H. Effect of a patella support brace on myoelectric activity of knee joint muscles during single leg landing. koomesh. 2013;14(4):e152596. 


 Introduction: Patellfemoral pain syndrome is one of the most common knee joint problems that affect athletes and non-athletes. Knee brace is often used as a treatment method for patellar realignment. The aim of the present study was to determine the effects of a patella support brace on myoelectric activity of selected knee muscles during single leg landing in healthy females.  Materials and Methods: 19 healthy female students (Mean age: 23.6±1.98 years, height: 163.5±5.88 cm, weight: 62.3±3.6 kg) participated in this study. Myoelectric activity of biceps femoris, semitendinosus, vastus medialis and vastus lateralis were collected during single leg landing in with and without using the patella support brace conditions. Results: Use of the patella support brace had no significant effect on myoelectric activity for the semitendinosus (p=0.668), vastus medialis (VM) (p=0.915) and vastus lateralis (VL) (P=0.134), while myoelectric activity for biceps femoris (p=0.005) and ratio of VM/VL myoelectric activity significantly increased (p=0.045).  Conclusion: Our results revealed that biceps femoris activity and vastus medialis/vastus lateralis ratio increased after using patella support brace during single leg landing. Further studies on kinematic and kinetic variables are needed to describe these changes in muscular activity when using the patella support brace.