A cross sectional study of divorce causes in divorce applicants in the Iranian population


avatar Nemat Sotodeh Asl ORCID , avatar Raheb Ghorbani ORCID , * , avatar Ali Darini

How To Cite? Sotodeh Asl N, Ghorbani R, Darini A. A cross sectional study of divorce causes in divorce applicants in the Iranian population. koomesh. 2022;24(3):e152742. 


Introduction: One of the psychosocial problems in communities is the increasing rate of divorce and family disintegration host building. The study aimed to investigate the causes of divorce in the couples referring to family courts in Semnan, Iran. Materials and Methods: In this cross sectional study, 335 divorce applicants who referred to Semnan Justice from the 2018 to 2019 were included in the study.The data collection tool is a two-part questionnaire. The first part contains the characteristics of demographics and the second part contains the possible reasons for divorce, which were identified on a 5-point Likert scale with ineffective, very low, low, high or very high answers, one of which is he/she had chosen his/her own. Results: Mean±SD of the age of divorce applicants was 31.1± 8.6, duration of marriage was 8.2± 7.6 years. The duration of marriage, 43.9% of them were under 5 years. The type of marriage 62.1% were traditional. Eight factors (34 item) were extracted using factor analysis. According to them, the violence (emotional-physical) and then the socio-cultral factor had the most effect and the unrestrained factor had the least effect on the divorce petition. In the socio-cultral factor, the item “cultrul differences with the spouse” and then “lack of culture of dialouge between families”, in the factor of vielence, the item “spouse’s temper and nervousness” and in the factor of economic probless, the item “irresponsibility” played a greater role in seeking divorce. Women conidered the causes of violence, socio-cultrual and economic problems, emotional-intellectual immaturity and unrestrainted to be more effective than men in seeking divorce (P


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