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P, MohammadHasan
Z, Motieian
H, Pak
F. The effect of burn on cell mediated immunity. koomesh. 1999;1(1):e152875.
Introduction. In spite of new development in antibiotic production, infections are the main causes of death after burn injuries. This is due to skin destruction as the first defense barrier abd alteration in immune status of the burn patient. In this study, the effect of burn on cell medi ated immunity was studied. Material and Methods. Two groups were studied: experienta l group consist ing of lS patie nt ( 9 men and 9 woman ) with 20-60% burn of total body surface are and control gro up consisting 22 ( 11 men and 11 woman ) healthy persons . The average age of both group was 32 years and in each group subjects were equ al of boyh sexes. Immune sta tus was evaluated by T lymphocyte transformation test ( L.T.T) and HLA-DR as a cell activati on marker and also cell surface marker such as CD3, CD4 and CDS which are measured by monoclonal antibody and tlowcytometric analysis. Results. L.T.T of burned patients was significantly de crased in comparison of control grou p ( P< 0.0001). The tota l number of peri pheral bloob lymphocytes of burned patients was significantly lower than th at of control gro up (P
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