Scientific Cooperation Networks of Semnan University of Medical Sciences in the Web of Science Database between 2013-2017


avatar Masoumeh Ansari , avatar Mostafa Karimi , avatar Mohammad Fallah , avatar Sanam Lotfi , avatar Ali Valinejadi ORCID , *

How To Cite Ansari M, Karimi M, Fallah M, Lotfi S, Valinejadi A. Scientific Cooperation Networks of Semnan University of Medical Sciences in the Web of Science Database between 2013-2017. koomesh. 2019;21(1):e153030. 


Introduction: Given the importance of co-authorship and thematic networks in expanding specialization and improving the quality of scientific works, the purpose of this research is to map and analyze the co-authorship and thematic networks of Semnan University of Medical Sciences (SUMS) in the Web of Science database between 2013-2017. Materials and Methods: The population is scientific products of the SUMS, indexed on Web of Science database from 2013 to 2017. The data were analyzed using HistCite, Excel, and SPSS software, and Citespace and Gephi software was used to map the networks and analyze them. Results: Number of scientific productions of the SUMS is 406 research papers that have had an ascending trend in the years under study and the utmost growth has been registered in 2017. The pattern of co-authorship used by the majority of researchers is 4 authors pattern. The total number of received citations in the years under study is 11.1 citations and the mean citation for each document is 3. The cooperation index of the researchers of the SUMS is 5.44, cooperation degree is 0.99 and cooperation coefficient is 0.766. Majority of international cooperation of the researchers of university is with Sweden, Poland and Australia. Co-authorship network of the researchers of SUMS in the years between 2013 and 2017 includes 57 knots and 99 links. Conclusion: The degree of cooperation from the research is equal to 0.99. The degree of cooperation shown shows the high cooperation of researchers in the compilation of articles, and the researchers cooperation coefficient is equal to 0.766, which shows that over the years studied, researchers;#39 scientific cooperation has increased. This research also revealed that researchers with more publications are likely to have more collaborative works.  


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