The effect of position and method of intramuscular injection on pain intensity


avatar MohammdReza Asgari , *

How To Cite Asgari M. The effect of position and method of intramuscular injection on pain intensity. koomesh. 2000;1(3):e153106. 


Introduction. Intramuscular injection is an important route of drug administration. One of the important complications of 1M injection is injection-indu ced pain. Thi s pain causes a lot of fear and anxiety for patients. Amoung the important responsibilities of nurse is to reduce this pain. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the position and the method of 1M inje ction on pain intensity. Materials and Methods. This study was performed on the fourty male patients in surgical wards of Amiralam and Valiasr hospitals in Tehran. These patients recieved 1M injection of gentamycin post opration. Pain intensity in two prone position with foot turned outward and inward, and two standard (routine) and Zstrack 1M injection methods wer e evaluated. Pain intensity is evaluated hy simple descriptive scale of pain. Results. The data show that in the same injection methods, there was a significant difference (P