Fabrication and characterization of liposomal nano-carriers containing essential oils of Trachyspermum ammi to counteract Trichomonas vaginalis


avatar Farzaneh Mirzaei , avatar Mohammad Majdizadeh , avatar Ali FatahiBafghi , avatar Raheleh Ehsani , avatar fatemeh haghirolsadat , *

how to cite: Mirzaei F, Majdizadeh M, FatahiBafghi A, Ehsani R, haghirolsadat F. Fabrication and characterization of liposomal nano-carriers containing essential oils of Trachyspermum ammi to counteract Trichomonas vaginalis. koomesh. 2021;23(2):e153267. 


Introduction: Annually, a large part of the world population is infected with trichomoniasis. On the other hand, the common medicines used to treat this disease can have many side effects. The aim of the present study was to construct a liposomal system containing essential oil of Trachyspermum ammi and investigate its physicochemical properties to combat trichomoniasis infection. Materials and Methods: Liposomal vesicles were prepared using phosphatidylcholine (70%) and cholesterol (30%) by thin film method. In addition, the essential oil of Trachyspermum ammi was loaded into liposomes and the encapsulation efficiency of essential oil was calculated. Then, the size, surface charge and particle morphology of this system were investigated using Zeta Sizer and Atomic Force Microscopy and pattern of essential oil release was evaluated at 35 oC and pH = 6 for 24 h. Results: Liposomal vesicles containing essential oil had a size of 110.1 nm, 40.12±2.71% essential oil loading, and zeta potential of -9 mV. The liposomal system is controlled release and releases all essential oils within 24 hours. Atomic force microscopy also confirmed the formation of liposomes and appropriate particle morphology. Conclusion: In the present study, the liposomal system containing the essential oil of Trachyspermum ammi had a relatively high loading percentage and surface charge verification confirmed that the nano-carrier is anionic. Thus, given the slow and complete release of the essential oil within 24 hours, this liposomal nano-carrier can be a suitable carrier for delivering the essential oil to Trichomoniasis parasite.  


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