Changes of plasma leptin and adiponectin levels in response to combined endurance and resistance training in sedentary postmenopausal women


avatar montazery taleghani , * , avatar Rahman Sori , avatar Najmeh Rezaeian , avatar Nikoo Khosravi

How To Cite? taleghani M, Sori R, Rezaeian N, Khosravi N. Changes of plasma leptin and adiponectin levels in response to combined endurance and resistance training in sedentary postmenopausal women. koomesh. 2012;13(2):e153835. 


  Introduction: Leptin and adiponectin, both as adipose tissue-derived adipocytokines, play a substantial role in the pathogenesis and complications of obesity. This study was performed to examine the effects of combined endurance and resistance training on plasma leptin and adiponectin levels and insulin resistance index (HOMA-IR) in sedentary postmenopausal women .   Materials and Methods : 16 sedentary postmenopausal obese women in two experimental and control groups participated in 10 weeks of concurrent training including resistive (40 - 60% of 1 repetition maximum) and swimming endurance training (50-60% of maximal heart rate), three days per week. Plasma leptin and adiponectin levels, HOMA-IR and anthropometric indices were measured before and 48 hours after the last training session.   Results: Concurrent training did not significantly change plasma leptin level, but caused a significant increased in adiponectin concentration (P=0.001). Hence, HOMA-IR and all of anthropometric indices improved following 10 weeks of combined training (P0 . 05). There were not significant correlation between leptin and adiponectin concentrations and changes of anthropometric indices and HOMA-IR (P>0 . 05).   Conclusion: Combined endurance and resistance training improves adiponectin concentrations, insulin resistance and anthropometric indices. However, these changes may not be in the line with leptin level changes.