

1. A cost-analysis study of using adult red cell packs and Pedi-Packs in newborn intensive care units in Southern Iran

- Sezaneh Haghpanah

- Shima Miladi

- Ali Zamani

- Ali Mohammad Keshtvarz Hesam Abadi

- Marjan Gholami

- Maryam Gholami

2. A Proposed Managerial Model for Improvement of Blood Consumption in the Operating Rooms in Southern Iran

- Maryam Gholami

- Kamran Hajinabi

- Leila Riahi

- Sezaneh Haghpanah

3. Blood Transfusion and Associated Factors in Pregnant Women Admitted to a Tertiary Care Hospital in Southeast Iran

- Abede Arzani

- Seyed Mehdi Tabatabaei

- Mahdi Mohammadi

- Fateme Behmanesh Pour