Medical-Surgical Nursing Journal
1. Systematische Übersichtsarbeit über die individuellen biopsychosozialen Aspekte von Interventionen während einer physiologischen Geburt bei Erstgebärenden
- Tina Berg
- Stefanie Flunkert
- Erich Brenner
2. The Effect of Ice Massage Applied to the SP6 Point on Labor Pain, Labor Comfort, Labor Duration, and Anxiety: A Randomized Clinical Trial
- Hülya Türkmen
- Serap Çetinkaya
- Hafize Kiliç
- Serpil Dinçer Tuna
- Mehmet Şirvanci
- Hilmi Mutlu
3. Effectiveness of Breathing Exercises, Foot Reflexology and Massage (BRM) on Maternal and Newborn Outcomes Among Primigravidae in Saudi Arabia: A Randomized Controlled Trial
- Kamilya Baljon
- Muhammad Hibatullah Romli
- Adibah Hanim Ismail
- Lee Khuan
- Boon-How Chew
4. Effect of Ice Pack Application on Pain Intensity among women in the Active Phase of Labor in BPKIHS
- R Thakur
- M Shrestha
- N Pokharel
- G Rai
- DP Rijal