Medical-Surgical Nursing Journal
1. Scenting serenity: influence of essential-oil vaporization on dental anxiety - a cluster-randomized, controlled, single-blinded study (AROMA_dent)
- Judith Czakert
- Farid I. Kandil
- Hiba Boujnah
- Pantea Tavakolian
- Sarah B. Blakeslee
- Wiebke Stritter
- Henrik Dommisch
- Georg Seifert
2. Effect of inhalation aromatherapy on patients undergoing PCI angiography: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- Mohamed Elsaid
- Majd H. Alkhawaldeh
- Mariam Abdelrauf Mahmoud
- Ahmed Moumen
- Moustafa Salem
- Mohamed Fouad Abdrabo
- Saad Abuzahra
- Mohammed Ahmed Sadeq
- Mohamed Hady Ashry
- Abdelrahman Yousry Afify
3. Essential oils for treating anxiety: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials and network meta-analysis
- Ling Tan
- Fei-fei Liao
- Lin-zi Long
- Xiao-chang Ma
- Yu-xuan Peng
- Jie-ming Lu
- Hua Qu
- Chang-geng Fu
4. The effects of inhalation aromatherapy on pain, anxiety, and sleep quality in burn patients: A randomized controlled study
- Ayten Akkaya
- Sema Kocasli (Koçaşlı)
- Merve Akin (Akın)
5. The effects of acupressure on pain, anxiety and vital signs in patients undergoing coronary angiography: A randomized and sham-controlled trial
- Selda Kartal Bal
- Meral Gun
6. The Effectiveness of Orange Essential Oil Aromatherapy on Blood Pressure, Pulse Rate, and Respiratory Rate of Patients Scheduled for Coronary Angiography: A Clinical Trial
- Homyra Tahmasebi
- Elieh Abasi
- Sakineh Pourhosein