Shiraz E-Medical Journal
1. What Are the Determinants of a Workplace Health Promotion? Application of a Social Marketing Model in Identifying Determinants of Physical Activity in the Workplace (a Qualitative Study)
- Mohammad Hossein Kaveh
- Mehdi Layeghiasl
- Mahin Nazari
- Leila Ghahremani
- Masoud Karimi
2. Lifestyle in Female Teachers: Educational Intervention Based on Self‐Efficacy Theory in the South of Fars Province, Iran
- Fariba Abbasi
- Leila Ghahremani
- Mahin Nazari
- Mohammad Fararouei
- Zakieh Khoramaki
- Matteo Curcuruto
3. Improving family health climate, effect of role modeling and maternal support in female students
- Jeyran Ostovarfar
- Mohammad Hossein Kaveh
- Hossein Molavi Vardanjani
- Leila Ghahramani
- Masoud Karimi
- Abdolrahim Asadollahi
- Razie Zare