Multifocal Avascular Necrosis in an Alcoholic Male with Antiphos-pholipid Syndrome and Megaloblastic Anemia.


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how to cite: Valizade N. Multifocal Avascular Necrosis in an Alcoholic Male with Antiphos-pholipid Syndrome and Megaloblastic Anemia.. Shiraz E-Med J. 2012;13(1):20493. 


Any factor that damage blood supply to bone can cause osteonecrosis.Traumatic and non-traumatic factors can cause osteonecrosis.Important non-traumatic causes of avascular necrosis are alcoholism, steroid use, cigarette smoking, hyperlipidemia and systemic lupus erythematosus. We want to present a case of multifocal avascular necrosis (AVN) in an alco-holic man with antiphospholipid (APL) syndrome and associated megaloblastic anemia.

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