A 22-yr-old man with no history of disease and normal physical and Para clinical evalua-tions underwent a general anesthesia for internal fixation of femur fracture for 2 hours. After completion of the surgery and full reversal of neuromuscular blockade, extubation was performed. After a few minutes the patient developed Laryngospasm. With prompt suctioning and positive pressure ventilation, Laryngospasm resolved. When SPO2 was 98% the patient transferred to recovery room. After a few minutes at the recovery room the patient developed dyspnea and a rapid decrease in SPO2 occurred associated with a lot of dirty pink secretions. He was intubated again and with the diagnosis of pulmonary edema frosemide, morphin and low PEEP was administered. After 8 hours pulmonary edema was resolved and tracheal tube was removed.Keywords
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