Shiraz E-Medical Journal
1. Relationship between spiritual health, resilience, and happiness among a group of dental students: a cross-sectional study with structural equation modeling method
- Saeed Hatami
- Hajar Shekarchizadeh
2. The Process of Promoting Spiritual Health in Iranian Muslim Adults
- Azita Jaberi
- Marzieh Momennasab
3. The effect of a smartphone-based pain management application on pain intensity and quality of life in adolescents with chronic pain
- Maryam Shaygan
- Azita Jaberi
4. Adaptation of patients diagnosed with human papillomavirus: a grounded theory study
- Narjes Nick
- Camellia Torabizadeh
- Mehdi Ghahartars
- Roksana Janghorban
5. The experience of chronic pain among adolescents: suffering and attempt to overcome pain?
- Maryam Shaygan
- Azita Jaberi
6. Psychosocial Experiences of Older Women in the Management of Urinary Incontinence: A Qualitative Study
- Sorur Javanmardifard
- Mahin Gheibizadeh
- Fatemeh Shirazi
- Kourosh Zarea
- Fariba Ghodsbin
7. Differentiating between psychological, spiritual, and religious dimensions of wellbeing among Orthodox Christians: an interpretative phenomenological analysis of lay perceptions
- Alison B. Sailer
- Elly Phillips
8. Challenges Associated With Patient Transfer From Postanesthesia Care Unit to Surgical Unit in Iran: A Mixed-Method Study
- Mahboobeh Hosseini Moghaddam
- Zahra Molazem
- Marzieh Momennasab
9. The prevalence of using complementary and alternative medicine products among patients with pressure ulcer
- Niloofar Karimianfard
- Azita Jaberi