


2. Association between procrastination and learning strategies in medical students in a hybrid problem-based and lecture-based learning curriculum

- Manuella Meireles Pereira

- Marcos Kubrusly

- Ana Beatriz Teófilo Macedo dos Santos

- Matheus do Nascimento Oliveira

- Lucas Olímpio Coimbra

- Hermano Alexandre Lima Rocha

3. Efektifitas Konseling Individu dengan Teknik Self-talk pada Perilaku Prokrastinasi Mahasiswa Tingkat Akhir

- Yulian Sri Lestari

4. Demographic Factors Influencing Academic Procrastination among Postgraduate Students

- Nurudeen Oganija Salihu

- Habibat Bolanle Abdulkareem

5. Chronic Procrastination Among Iranians: Prevalence Estimation, Latent Profile and Network Analyses

- Mehdi Akbari

- Mohammad Seydavi

- Kianoush Zahrakar

- Joseph R. Ferrari

- Mark D. Griffiths

6. Correlation between Academic Procrastination and Self-Confidence among Medical Students at an Eastern Indian Institution: A Cross-Sectional Survey

- Sohini Saha

- Ruchi Bhuyan

- Nihar Ranjan Panda

- Brinda Suhas Godhi

- Vidya Gowdappa Doddawad

7. The Effect of Procrastination on Academic Achievement: A Meta-Analysis Study

- Uğur Akpur

8. Academic Procrastination and its Association with Academic Achievement among Undergraduate Health Sciences’ Students

- Khalid Hussain

- Zafar Iqbal Baloch

- Muhammad Fayyaz

- Ubedullah Rahimoon

- Tanseer Ahmed

9. Hemşirelik Öğrencilerinin Genel Erteleme Davranışları ile Mesleğe Yönelik Tutum ve Akademik Erteleme Davranışları Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi



- İbrahim TURAN

- Rabia ÖZKAN

10. Thesis procrastination: academic problems in tertiary institutions in Indonesia

- Erfan Ramadhani

- Punaji Setiyosari

- Henni Indreswari

- Arbin Janu Setiyowati

- Nur Hidayah

- M Ramli

- Dominikus David Biondi Situmorang

11. Effect on Procrastination and Learning of Mistakes in the Design of the Formative and Summative Assessments: A Case Study

- Fidel Salas Vicente

- Ángel Vicente Escuder

- Miguel Ángel Pérez Puig

- Francisco Segovia López

12. Correlation between Self-compassion and Academic Procrastination with Learning Achievement among the Medical Students at Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati, Cirebon, Indonesia

- Ayu Dwi Septiawati

- Catur Setiya Sulistiyana

- Risnandya Primanagara

13. The mediating role of goal orientation in the relationship between formative assessment with academic engagement and procrastination in medical students

- Majid Yousefi Afrashteh

- Parisa Janjani

14. The Relationship Between Academic Procrastination, General Procrastination and Patience: A Study on University Students


15. Tolerance for ambiguity, reappraisal, and suppression mediate the relationship between problematic internet use and procrastination

- Seyed Javad Emadi Chashmi

- Jafar Hasani

- Daria J. Kuss

- Mark D. Griffiths

- Fatemeh Shahrajabian

16. Family functioning and chronic procrastination among emerging adults: the mediating role of self-efficacy

- Narges Panahpour

- Kianoush Zahrakar

- Joseph R. Ferrari

17. Social Networking Addiction and Quality of Academic Life among First-Year High School Students in Saudi Arabia: The Mediating Role of Academic Procrastination

- Ayman Gamal Khalifa

18. A Guided Web-Based Intervention Targeting Procrastination in College Students: Protocol for an Open Trial

- Sevin Ozmen

- Arpana Amarnath

- Sascha Struijs

- Leonore de Wit

- Pim Cuijpers

19. Academic Procrastination among College Students: Do Learning Awareness and Self-Management Play a Role?

- Widya Rahayu

- Hadi Candra

- Eko Sujadi

20. Influence of decision-making styles and affective styles on academic procrastination among students

- Vany Mol K.S.

- Eslavath Rajkumar

- R. Lakshmi

- Romate John

- Saniya M. Sunny

- Allen Joshua George

- Shivanand Pawar

- John Abraham

21. Domain Specificity of Procrastination in School

- Lisa Bäulke

- Nicolas Hübner

- Benjamin Nagengast

22. Potential associations among procrastination, motivation and academic achievement of midwifery and nursing students in Hormozgan

- Sara Derakhshanfard

- Fatemeh Moshiri Fallah

- Zahra Fereidouni

- Somayeh Elahi

- Omolbanin Delashoub

- Shideh Rafati

- Mahboubeh Masoumbeigi

- Reza Afzalipour

23. Examining the relationship of academic dishonesty with academic procrastination, and time management in distance education

- Emine Aruğaslan

24. Relationship between academic procrastination and academic achievement of postgraduate students

- Mallika Gayary

- Sima Kalita