Supari: The most frequent aspirated foreign body in Zahedan


avatar AH Jazayeri 1 , * , avatar Fateme Rakhshani 2 , avatar E Khazaei 3

ENT dept, faculty of medicine, Zahedan University of medical sciences and health services, Zahedan, Iran.
Public health dept, Faculty of health, Zahedan University of medical sciences and health services, Zahedan, Iran.
General Physician

How To Cite Jazayeri A, Rakhshani F, Khazaei E. Supari: The most frequent aspirated foreign body in Zahedan. Zahedan J Res Med Sci. 2002;4(2):e95336. 


Foreign body aspiration is a worldwide problem and one of the common causes of death in
children less than 5 years old Clinical findings and complications of foreign body aspiration
are partly related to kind, size, location and amount of obstruction in the airway system.
It seems that in Sistan and Baloochestan kind of foreign body aspiration is going to be
changed. This survey is done to compare the kind of F.B and their symptoms during last 10
years in two 5 years period.
All bronchoscopy with or without esophagoscopy charts during last 10 years were
reviewed. The charts with incomplete data were excluded.
50 charts related to years 1371-1375 and 69 charts belonging to years 1376-1380 were
studied and x2 was used for statistical evaluation. Results showed that between years 1371-
1375 watermelon seed was the common F.B, which was aspirated, and supari was the one
mostly seen during years 1376 – 1380.
In both periods it was most common in boys. The F.B was mostly seen in the right main
bronchus during years 1371-1376 and left site during years 1376-1380.F.B was occurred
mostly in infants less than 2 year during 1371-1`376 and at 6-12 years during 1376-1380.
By this study we may conclude that the type of F.B, age of F.B aspiration and location of it,
has been changed during last 5 years and aspiration of supari as a new entity is increased.


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