Accepted Manuscripts

Last Update: 01 October, 2023 | 07:11


Articles that have been peer-reviewed and accepted for publication by the Editorial Board. They have not yet been copy edited and/or formatted in the publication house style, and may not yet have full functionality, e.g., Supplementary files may still need to be added, links to references may not resolve yet, etc.


Article ID Title
150432 Mucocele of the Appendix Discovered Golestan Hospital of Ahwaz: A Case Report
151439 Investigating the Relationship Between Liver and Heart Iron Overload Measured by T2 ⃰ Magnetic Resonance Imaging with Serum Ferritin Level, Liver Enzyme Ratio (Aspartate Aminotransferase / Alanine Aminotransferase) and Electrocardiography Findings in Patients with Thalassemia Major
153352 Monitoring of Drug -Resistance Rates among Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococcus faecalis Isolates from Hospital Wastewaters in a Northern Province of Iran
154517 The Relationship Between the Prevalence of Depression Caused by Antiphospholipid Syndrome Abortion and Related Factors in Pregnant Women
