
Big News: IJPBS Journal Achieves New Impact Factor of 0.5 in JCR 2024!

Last Update: 30 June, 2024 | 12:11

Exciting update: Archives of Pediatric Infectious Diseases journal's impact factor rises to 0.5 in JCR 2024, highlighting our commitment to high-quality research and advancements.

We are excited to announce a remarkable achievement for the Archives of Pediatric Infectious Diseases (IJPBS) journal. According to the latest Journal Citation Reports (JCR) 2024, our impact factor has been updated to 0.5! This significant milestone is a testament to our commitment to publishing high-quality research and advancing the field of pediatric infectious diseases.


 A Milestone Worth Celebrating

The updated impact factor of 0.5 represents a critical step forward for the Archives of Pediatric Infectious Diseases. This metric reflects the average number of citations received by our published articles over the past two years. An impact factor of 0.5 signifies that our research is being widely recognized and cited by scholars and practitioners in the field, underscoring the journal's growing influence and importance.

The Importance of the Impact Factor

The impact factor is one of the most important metrics in academic publishing. It helps researchers and institutions gauge the influence and relevance of a journal within its field. An impact factor of 0.5 indicates that the work published in the Archives of Pediatric Infectious Diseases is making a significant impact, contributing valuable insights and advancements in pediatric infectious diseases research.

Our Journey to Excellence

This achievement would not have been possible without the hard work and dedication of our editorial team, reviewers, and authors. Their unwavering commitment to excellence has been instrumental in elevating the journal's standing. We extend our deepest gratitude to:


For their innovative and high-quality research submissions that drive our journal forward.


For their meticulous and constructive feedback, ensuring the integrity and quality of our publications.

Editorial Team:

For their tireless efforts in managing the publication process and upholding the highest standards of academic publishing.

Looking Ahead

As we celebrate this new impact factor, we remain dedicated to our mission of advancing knowledge in pediatric infectious diseases. We aim to continue publishing groundbreaking research that addresses critical issues in the field and helps improve child health globally.

The updated impact factor fuels our motivation to push the boundaries of scientific discovery and contribute to significant advancements in pediatric healthcare. We are committed to maintaining the quality and impact of the Archives of Pediatric Infectious Diseases and to furthering our reputation as a leading journal in the field.

Call for Submissions

We invite researchers and scholars to contribute their original and innovative work to the Archives of Pediatric Infectious Diseases. By submitting your research to our journal, you join a respected community dedicated to making meaningful contributions to pediatric infectious disease research.