Announcement of New Publisher

Last Update: 24 August, 2024 | 08:20

Brieflands is the new publisher of the International Cardiovascular Research Journal, beginning on 15 March 2024

Dear Distinguished Authors & Readers,

‎We are pleased to announce that, starting 15 March 2024, the International Cardiovascular Research Journal ‎‎(ICRJ) will be published by Brieflands, our new publisher! This important change is brought to the attention of this journal's readers and reviewers ‎since all submission, tracking, and ‎publishing processes should be subsequently transferred to the new publisher, Brieflands beginning with Volume 17, Issue 3.‎  Concurrent with the change in publisher is an increase in the overall dimensions of the journal ‎environment. Authors are requested to refer to the revised instructions for authors

Furthermore, we strongly advise authors, reviewers, and associate editors to acquaint themselves with and adhere to the updated policies detailed on the journal's website. These new guidelines, which encompass submission, review, and publication processes, have been instituted by our new publisher. It is essential for all involved parties to thoroughly understand and apply these revised instructions to ensure smooth transitions and maintain the journal's standards of excellence.

 We look forward to hearing you about our new website.‎

Kind Regards,‎         
Prof. Mohammad Javad Zibaeenezhad      


PublisherShiraz University of Medical SciencesBrieflands
Date of Change15 March 202415 March 2024
Scopesno changeno change


no change

no change

Affected Issuesissues before Volume 18 ‎Issue 1‎issues after Volume 18 ‎Issue 1
Article Acceptance FeeFreeRefer here
Instruction for Authors-Link


