Welcome to Instruction for Authors

Last Update: 18 August, 2024 | 06:59

Welcome to Instruction for Authors

Welcome to the Instruction for Authors page at Brieflands STM Publisher. This guide is designed to help you navigate the entire publication process, from registration to final submission. Below, you will find essential steps and guidelines to ensure your manuscript meets our standards and is successfully published.

1. Register & Sign In

To begin your submission journey, you must first register and create an account on our platform. Once registered, you can sign in to access the submission portal, track your manuscript's progress, and manage your account details. Registration is quick and simple, ensuring you are ready to submit your manuscript with ease. [Register & Sign In]

2. Article Types

Before you start writing, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the types of articles we accept. Brieflands STM Publisher publishes a variety of scholarly works, including original research articles, review articles, brief reports, case reports, editorials, and more. Each article type has specific requirements and formats, so please review our guidelines to ensure your manuscript aligns with the appropriate category. [Article Types]

3. Manuscript Preparation

Proper manuscript preparation is crucial for a smooth submission process. We recommend carefully following our detailed guidelines on formatting, structure, and style. This includes preparing your manuscript with the correct sections (e.g., abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion), adhering to our citation and referencing style, and ensuring that your manuscript is free of errors. High-quality figures, tables, and supplementary materials should also be prepared according to our specifications. [Manuscript Preparation]

4. Submission

Once your manuscript is ready, you can proceed to the submission stage. Our submission system is user-friendly and guides you step-by-step through the process. You will be required to upload your manuscript, enter metadata such as the title, keywords, and abstract, and select the appropriate article type. Additionally, you will need to declare any conflicts of interest and agree to our submission policies. [Submission]

5. After Acceptance

After your manuscript has been peer-reviewed and accepted for publication, you will receive instructions on the next steps. This includes finalizing your manuscript for publication, responding to any remaining editorial queries, and preparing for the production process. You will also be informed of the expected timeline for publication. Once published, your article will be available online, and you will be able to track its impact through various metrics. [After Acceptance]

We are committed to supporting you throughout the publishing process and ensuring that your experience with Brieflands STM Publisher is both positive and productive. Thank you for choosing us as your publication partner.