Accepted Manuscripts
Articles that have been peer-reviewed and accepted for publication by the Editorial Board. They have not yet been copy edited and/or formatted in the publication house style, and may not yet have full functionality, e.g., Supplementary files may still need to be added, links to references may not resolve yet, etc.
Article ID
Comparing the effects of hand and foot reflexology on chest pain in patients after primary percutaneous coronary intervention
The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Writing Scientific Articles (A Major Challenge in Future Research)
The association of resilience and occupational burnout with religious orientation in nurses of acute respiratory departments hospitals in Kermanshah
The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Marketing Supplemental Health Insurance: A scoping review for Challenges and Opportunities
Social determinants of health and their impact on survival and disease progression in patients with brain tumors at Shahid Bahonar Teaching Hospital in 2019
The epidemiological transition of years of life lost due to early death from common events in the northeast of Iran
A Comparative Analysis of Positive Mindfulness and Cognitive Emotion Regulation Training on Automatic Thoughts and Optimism Among Medical Science Students
Measuring the incidence of periodontal disease in patients with diabetes hospitalized in Imam Khomeini Educational Center of Urmia
Prevalence of Ideation, attempt and completed suicide in Iranian substance abusers: A scoping review and meta- analysis
Development and Psychometrics Properties of the Persian Caregivers' Empathy Scale for Psychotic Disorders Patients