Editors & Boards

Last Update: 7 September, 2024 | 08:32

Meet the distinguished editorial board and editors overseeing the quality of publications at the Journal of Critical Care Excellence.

Chairman & EIC

  • Brieflands, as an STM publisher, contracts with academic universities and institutions to provide publishing services for their journals. The editors of these journals are introduced by their respective owners and are re-evaluated annually by the governing board of Brieflands to ensure that they meet the editorial board's criteria for independence and responsibility. Therefore, staff editors are completely independent of the publisher.   
  • The Brieflands editors are paid a fixed salary by the journal owners, and their payments are not linked to the number of papers published in the journal. Editors are required to declare all relevant conflicts of interest and must not participate in reviewing any paper for which they have a competing interest. The editor-in-chief is responsible for the scientific context of all published materials in the journal. A conflict of interest statement is declared below each staff editor, which shows their relationship to activities over the previous 12 months since the last update. However, relevant competing interests from previous years will also be taken into account when deciding whether it is appropriate for an editor to handle a paper.


Mohammad Fathi
Mohammad Fathi
  • MD, Professor
  • Critical Care Quality Improvement Research Center at Shahid Modarres Hospital, Department of Anesthesiology, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
  • Academic profiles:
  • Paid Salary: Critical Care Quality Improvement Research Center
  • Monetary or in kind compensation for self or household member from an organization that may in any way gain or lose financially or in any other way from the publication of papers in Brieflands:
    • Reimbursement for attending a conference or symposium, Accommodation and travel or Fees for speaking:  No
    • Fees for organizing education or funds for researches from Publisher: No
    • Stocks or shares in Publisher: No
    • Other competing interests related to the journal: Not Declared
  • Published articles in this journal: 1
  • Email: 
    • m.fathisbmu.ac.ir


Nader Markazi Moghaddam
Nader Markazi Moghaddam
  • MD, Associate Professor
  • Critical Care Quality Improvement Research Center, Shahid Modarres Hospital, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences
  • Academic profiles:
  • Published articles in this journal: -
  • Paid Salary: Critical Care Quality Improvement Research Center
  • Monetary or in kind compensation for self or household member from an organization that may in any way gain or lose financially or in any other way from the publication of papers in Brieflands:
    • Reimbursement for attending a conference or symposium, Accommodation and travel or Fees for speaking:  No
    • Fees for organizing education or funds for researches from Publisher: No
    • Stocks or shares in Publisher: No
    • Other competing interests related to the journal: Not Declared
  • Email: 
    • nmmoghaddamsbmu.ac.ir

Managing Editor

Sanaz Zargar Balaye Jame
Sanaz Zargar Balaye Jame

Editorial Board

Editorial Board members are distinguished and top researchers in the fields of the journal. They provide advice to the Brieflands editors on journal scope and policy and serve as Academic Editors for manuscript submissions. The majority of members are volunteers and unpaid, while those paid for their time commitment to the journal are indicated by an asterisk (*). These paid members make an ongoing, specific time commitment to the journal and receive a stipend in acknowledgment of their efforts, including fast-track review, special discounts on the acceptance fee, or annual gifts from the journal.

Seyed Mohammadreza Hashemian
Seyed Mohammadreza Hashemian
Behrooz Farzanegan
Behrooz Farzanegan
Nasser Malekpour Alamdari
Nasser Malekpour Alamdari
  • MD, Associate Professor of Laparoscopic Surgery
  • Critical Care Quality Improvement Research Center at Shahid Modarres Hospital, Department of General Surgery, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
  • Clinical Research and Development Center at Shahid Modarres Hospital, Department of General Surgery, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
  • Academic profiles:
  • Completed assignments: -
  • Published articles in this journal: 1
Mohammadreza Hajiesmaeili
Mohammadreza Hajiesmaeili
Sasan Tavana
Sasan Tavana
Navid Nooraei
Navid Nooraei
Seyed Jalal Hosseinimehr
Seyed Jalal Hosseinimehr
  • MD, Professor of Anesthesiology
  • Department of Anesthesiology, Faculty of Medicine, Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, Qazvin, Iran.
  • Completed assignments: -
  • Published articles in this journal: -
Badiozzaman Radpei
Badiozzaman Radpei
  • MD, Assistant Professor, Pain Fellow, Program Director of Pain Fellowship
  • Department of Anesthesiology, Akhtar Hospital, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
  • Department of Anesthesiology, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Science.
  • Completed assignments: -
  • Published articles in this journal: -
Seyed Hossein Ardehali
Seyed Hossein Ardehali
Seyedpouzhia Shojaei
Seyedpouzhia Shojaei
Majid Mokhtari
Majid Mokhtari
Reza Goharani
Reza Goharani
Mehran Kouchek
Mehran Kouchek
MirMohammad Miri
MirMohammad Miri
Sara Salarian
Sara Salarian
Hamidreza Jamaati
Hamidreza Jamaati
Omid Moradi Moghaddam
Omid Moradi Moghaddam
Anoush Dehnadi Moghadam
Anoush Dehnadi Moghadam
Arash Rashidian
Arash Rashidian

How to Contact Editorial Board?

To contact one of the above-mentioned boards or staff members, we kindly invite you to submit a ticket to the publisher with complete details. Our colleagues in the Support department will review your ticket and reply to you as soon as possible. Your tickets are more than welcome via the "Submit a Ticket" option at https://brieflands.com/forms/support.
