Appendices Guideline

Last Update: 26 August, 2024 | 12:24

At Brieflands STM Publisher, authors have the opportunity to include supplementary materials in their submissions by utilizing the Appendices section. Appendices are valuable for providing additional content that supports the main manuscript but is too detailed or extensive to be included in the main text.

Types of Supplementary Files

Authors can upload a variety of supplementary files, such as Excel spreadsheets, CSV files, PDFs, text documents, Word documents, and more. These files may include additional data, detailed calculations, extensive tables, or any other materials that enhance the understanding of the research.

Submission Process

When submitting a manuscript, authors can conveniently upload these supplementary files in the designated Appendices box within the submission system. It is essential to ensure that these files are clearly labeled and referenced appropriately in the main text of the manuscript.

By providing an Appendices section, Brieflands allows authors to present a comprehensive view of their research, ensuring that all relevant data and materials are accessible to readers.