
Treat Delayed AE Tasks

Last Update: 22 February, 2025 | 07:40

In the Brieflands STM Publisher system, it is crucial to ensure that all tasks assigned to Associate Editors (AEs) are completed promptly to maintain the efficiency of the publication process. When an AE's task is delayed and the due date has expired, the Editor-in-Chief (EIC) must take appropriate action to address the situation.

EIC can inform the Associate Editors' of tasks that have been delayed and their due date has expired. It is the EIC's decision to extend the due date of AE or replace the current AE with another AE. To see a list of all manuscripts with AE delay, go to "Review Tools" (in the left menu) and click on "Delayed AE."

To extend a due date, EIC can click on the title of the desired manuscript and, on the open page, EXTEND the "review due date" by day number.

To replace AE, EIC can click on the title of the desired manuscript, and on the open page, click on the "peer review process" tab and replace the AE.