Guidelines for Figures Submission
Last Update: 7 September, 2024 | 10:33
When submitting a manuscript to Brieflands STM Publisher, it is essential to follow the guidelines for figures to ensure the highest quality in published articles. Below are the key requirements and instructions for figure submissions:
Submission and File Formats
- Figures must be submitted as separate files during the manuscript submission process.
- Each figure should have a corresponding caption, which must be placed in the manuscript text in reading order, immediately following the paragraph where the figure is first cited.
- Acceptable file formats for figures include Encapsulated PostScript (.eps), PowerPoint (.ppt), Portable Document Format (.pdf), Photoshop (.psd), Tagged Image File Format (.tiff), PNG (.png), or JPEG (.jpg).
- The raw data for charts should be provided in Microsoft Excel format (compatible with MS Office 2007 or newer).
Image Quality and Resolution
- All images should be scanned at a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. Most consumer scanners use the sRGB color space by default; however, for optimal color depth, Adobe RGB is recommended if using a high-end scanner.
- Line art (images composed of lines and text without tonal or shaded areas) should have a resolution of 900 dpi. Halftone images (continuous tone photographs with no text) should have a resolution of 300 dpi, and images that combine both should have a resolution of 500 dpi.
- Figures with a resolution below 300 dpi will not be accepted.
Originality and Permissions
- Authors must declare in their cover letter that all figures in their manuscript are original. If any figures are not original, the original source must be cited, and a reprint permission form must be uploaded as an attachment.
- Scanned graphs or images from other resources will not be accepted for publication.
Placement of Figures
- If a figure is first mentioned in the Methods section but presents results, do not move the figure to the Methods section. Instead, remove the in-text mention in the Methods and retain the figure in the Results section, providing an explanation to the authors.
Image Manipulation Guideline
For detailed instructions on image manipulation and ethical guidelines, please refer to the Image Manipulation Guideline here.