Rapid Communication
Last Update: 17 August, 2024 | 07:17
We publish two types of rapid communication in our journals:
- 1) Rapid Communications
- 2) Clinical Images
1) Rapid Communications:
Articles classified under Rapid Communications are suitable for presenting novel research or significantly extending previously published research. They can also be used for fast-breaking research updates or other news items such as images.
This article type includes:
- Title page
- Abstract (plus keywords)
- Main Text:
- Text with Figure (maximum two images)
- Acknowledgments
- Conflict of Interest Statement
- Funding
- Ethical Approval
- Consent
- Guarantor
- References
- Figure legends
Word count:
Please refer here and consider our word count standards.
2) Clinical Images:
We publish short articles to educate our readers using this article type. Authors are advised to choose the "Rapid Communication" type during their submission.
Structure and Specifications:
- Title page
- Abstract (plus keywords)
- Main Text:
- Text (maximum 500 words) including "Key Question, Key Message, and Reply to the main Question."
- Figures (maximum 2 images):
- Figures must be original (copies from other sources are not accepted)
- Human rights considerations must be respected in figures (or photos)
- Conflict of Interest
- References (maximum 5)