Withdrawal Regulations

Last Update: 14 August, 2024 | 08:07

Definition of Withdrawal

Thanks to the critical role of editor chiefs in accepting or rejecting an article, there are rare cases of published articles that need a sort of a retraction at a later date or a disclaimer made concerning its content. Such a decision is only made after careful consideration of the individual case and results from sound and conscientious evaluation by the Editor in Chief.

  • Article withdrawal is applied to submitted papers either within the peer review process or accepted for publication that is, for the moment, only available in a pre-publication form ("Early Release or Ahead of Print"). These sometimes contain errors or are articles that may have already been published and then mistakenly resubmitted for publication elsewhere. In rarer cases, these papers may not observe established ethical requirements, there may be some inconsistency in the declaration of authors' contributions, or data may have been presented, the integrity of which may be in doubt, etc. Articles may also be retracted to allow authors' to correct errors that had not been identified before submission.

Withdrawal is an action that takes the manuscript out of the review process and places it back into the author's dashboard. In General, we do not suggest the article withdrawal since it wastes valuable manuscript processing time, cost, and work spent by the publisher.

To submit your withdrawal request, please submit a ticket at https://brieflands.com/forms/support 

Withdrawal Steps

  • Pre-Review: is a period at which the author(s) submit(s) their article until sending tp the reviewer. The author(s) can withdraw their papers at this step without paying any charges and/or posing compelling reasons.
  • Peer-Review: is a period at which the manuscript is entirely submitted to the website and is included in the review process. The authors must have compelling reasons and pay 200 Euro as the withdrawal penalty.
  • Review-Final Decision: is a period from the acceptance of an article until to be sent for publication if the article meets the journal standards. The authors must have their compelling reasons and pay 200 Euro as the withdrawal penalty.
  • Post-Publication: when a paper is published (online and/or hard copy). Withdrawing at this step is not possible at all.

What Are Compelling Reasons?

  • Plagiarism
  • Bogus claims of authorship
  • Multiple submission
  • Fraudulent use of data or the like
  • Infringements of professional, ethical codes

How can an author request for withdrawal?

Authors can withdraw an article if and only if their articles were in one of the below states:

  • Sent back to the author
  • Major revision
  • Minor revision

To withdraw: Go to the mentioned status and find your article and click the "Withdraw button" from actions.



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