Updated: Briefland Policies about Preprint articles

Updated: Briefland Policies about Preprint articles

18 Apr, 2021


We have updated our internal policy regarding the preprint version of articles.


  • What is a preprint article?

A preprint version of an article is a manuscript without any peer review or assessment by the journal external reviewers which is published publicly on a server. This type of publication does not add any extra value and works by its publishers such as formatting, copy-editing, and technical enhancements. Read more in Wikipedia. Authors are able to submit their manuscripts into a preprint server before their submission in a peer-reviewed journal.

  • What is a Preprint server?

This is an online and public service that allows posting of a manuscript prior to its submission for publication in peer-reviewed journals.

Kowsar Policies about Preprints:

Authors are allowed to submit their preprint in any of Kowsar journals

Authors should Inform EIC at the early step of publication about the preprint version of their article. In this matter, it is the corresponding author's responsibility to inform EIC via "Cover Letter" during submission.

  • If this preprinted article accepted for publication, the corresponding author must link from the preprint version to their formal publication via its Digital Object Identifier (DOI). Authors must update their preprints on the related preprint server with their accepted manuscript within 10 days after acceptance.
  • Licensing implications: Authors should not assign copyright during the preprint process. The authors should retain copyright in their work when posting to a preprint server.
  • Kowsar will assign a new DOI after acceptance to a preprinted article. it is the corresponding author's responsibility to link the new DOI to the preprinted version of the same article through the publisher of preprint server.


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