

1. Gene-Gene Interaction Study Between Genetic Polymorphisms of Folate Metabolism and MTR SNPs on Prognostic Features Impact for Breast Cancer

- Moataza Moataza Hassan Omran

- Basma El-Sayed Fotouh

- Wafaa Ghoneim Shousha

- Abeer Ismail

- Shimaa Shawki Ramadan

2. Association of C677T (rs1081133) and A1298C (rs1801131) Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase Variants with Breast Cancer Susceptibility Among Asians: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

- Maryam Rezaee

- Hamed Akbari

- Mohammad Amin Momeni-Moghaddam

- Fatemeh Moazzen

- Sarvenaz Salahi

- Reza Jahankhah

- Sedigheh Tahmasebi

3. The Association of the MTHFR Gene Polymorphisms with Breast Cancer Susceptibility

- Ahmad Hamta

- Zahra Bozorgi Moghadam

4. A Case-Control Study of the MTHFR C665T Gene Polymorphism on Macrocytic Anemia Among HIV-Infected Patients Receiving Zidovudine

- Danis Pertiwi

- Muchlis Achsan Udji Sofro

- Tri Indah Winarni

- Ari Natalia Probandari