Translation and localization process of family coping ‎questionnaire for mothers of children with cerebral palsy


avatar Parkhide Hassani 1 , avatar Parvin Abbasi 2 , * , avatar Mansoureh Zagheri ‎Tafreshi 3 , avatar Farid Zayeri 4

Department of Nursing, Faculty of ‎Nursing and Midwifery, Shahid ‎Beheshti University of Medical ‎Sciences, Tehran‎, Iran
Students Research Office, School of ‎Nursing and Midwifery, Shahid ‎Beheshti University of Medical ‎Sciences, Tehran‎, Iran
Department Nursing Management, ‎School of Nursing and Midwifery, ‎Shahid Beheshti University of ‎Medical Sciences, Tehran‎, Iran
Department of Biostatistics, Faculty ‎of Paramedical Sciences, Shahid ‎Beheshti University of Medical ‎Sciences, Tehran‎, Iran

How To Cite Hassani P , Abbasi P , Zagheri ‎Tafreshi M , Zayeri F . Translation and localization process of family coping ‎questionnaire for mothers of children with cerebral palsy. J Clin Res Paramed Sci. 2017;6(1):e80974. 


Introduction: : A child with cerebral palsy is a serious challenge for families. It is essential to determine the coping style adopted by these families. The purpose of this study was to translate a family coping questionnaire “personal evaluation scales relevant to family crisis” into Persian and to determine its reliability and validity.
Methods: After obtaining permission from the designers of the tool, localization process was initiated. At first, English version was translated into Persian by two translators and then summarized into one translation. The final Persian version was translated into English, revised, modified, and summarized. To determine validity of the tool, it was given to 208 mothers of children with cerebral palsy who referred to Kermanshah rehabilitation centers in 2015. The participants were selected through convenience sampling. Face validity and content validity were examined. construct validity was determined by using confirmatory factor analysis. Internal consistency and reliability of the Persian version were also determined. The data were analyzed in SPSS (ver. 16) and EQS (ver. 6.1).
Results: Content validity of all the items was higher than 0.78. Confirmatory factor analysis confirmed five-factor structure of the tool. Cronbach’s alpha of the whole tool was 0.84. Intraclass correlation coefficient for the whole tool was 0.89.
Conclusion: The Persian version of “personal evaluation scales relevant to family crisis” had good validity indices so that it can be used to examine family coping in the mothers of children with cerebral palsy.


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