The effectiveness of chronic disease self-management program on self-efficacy in patients undergoing CABG surgery.‎


avatar Arsalan Naderipour 1 , avatar Hossein‏ ‏Ashtarian 2 , avatar Javad Miri 2 , * , avatar Amir‏ ‏Hossein‏ ‏Hashemian 3 , avatar Behzad‏ ‏Heydarpour 4 , avatar Mozhgan‏ ‏ Saeidi‎ 4 , avatar Ali Ashraf Rashidi‎ 4

Department of Emeregency‏ ‏Medicine, School of Paramedicine,‎‏ ‏Kermanshah University of ‎Medical‏ ‏Sciences, Kermanshah‎, Iran
Department of Nursing, School‏ ‏of Nursing and Midwifery,‎‏ ‏Kermanshah University of ‎Medical‏ ‏Sciences, Kermanshah‎, Iran
Department of Biostatistics and‏ ‏Epidemiology, School of Health,‎‏ ‏Kermanshah University ‎of Medical‏ ‏Sciences, Kermanshah‎, Iran
Imam Ali Hospital, Kermanshah‏ ‏University of Medical Sciences,‎‏ ‏Kermanshah‎, Iran

How To Cite Naderipour A , ‏Ashtarian H, Miri J, ‏Hashemian A ‏, ‏Heydarpour B, et al. The effectiveness of chronic disease self-management program on self-efficacy in patients undergoing CABG surgery.‎. J Clin Res Paramed Sci. 2015;3(4):e82130. 


Background: Chronic disease self-management program is one important way to improve and enhance self-care. This study aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of the program on selfefficacy of patients with coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery.
Methods: This clinical trial, as a before and after approach, was performed on 46 patients with a history of coronary artery bypass graft surgery referred to cardiac rehabilitation units of Imam Ali hospital. Sampling was based on a convenience method. Education
was performed based on chronic disease self-management. Data was collected by general self-efficacy questionnaire and demographic form. Then, the data was analyzed with chi-square test and repeated measures of ANOVA using SPSS software version 21.
Results: The finding showed that most participants were men, married and living in Kermanshah. After conducting the program, the average score of the participants’ self-efficacy showed improvement, but the difference was not significant.
Conclusion: This study demonstrates that chronic disease selfmanagement program for patients is not effective.


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