Jundishapur Journal of Natural Pharmaceutical Products
The Official Journal of Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences
1. Bromelain and Nisin: The Natural Antimicrobials with High Potential in Biomedicine
- Urška Jančič
- Selestina Gorgieva
2. Bromelain-loaded polyvinyl alcohol–activated charcoal-based film for wound dressing applications
- Yugesh Ramdhun
- Monalisha Mohanta
- Thirugnanam Arunachalam
- Ritvesh Gupta
- Devendra Verma
3. The Therapeutic Effects of Bromelain against Colorectal Cancer: A Systematic Review
- Mojgan Forootan
- Mehdi Mohammadian Amiri
- Mohammad Darvishi
- Catherine M.T. Sherwin
- Koruosh Ghanadi
4. The role of hyaluronic acid in the design and functionalization of nanoparticles for the treatment of colorectal cancer
- Mariana Carlomagno de Paula
- Suzana Gonçalves Carvalho
- Amanda Letícia Polli Silvestre
- Aline Martins dos Santos
- Andréia Bagliotti Meneguin
- Marlus Chorilli