Jundishapur Journal of Natural Pharmaceutical Products
The Official Journal of Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences
1. The Essential Oil of Sclerorhachis leptoclada Rech.f.: Chemical Composition and Biological Activity
- Ebrahim Shafaie
- Akram Taleghani
- Amirhossein Sahebkar
- Samira Eghbali
2. In vitro antimicrobial, antiradical, anticancer evaluation, and phytochemical contents of endemicScorzonera semicanaDC
- Serhat Keser
- Oguzhan Kak
3. Two new dihydroisocoumarins and terpenoids from Scorzonera longiana Sümbül an endemic species to Turkey and their antimicrobial activity
- Büşra Korkmaz
- Gülin Renda
- İshak Erik
- Gözde Kılıç
- Kamil Coşkunçelebi
- Nurettin Yaylı
4. Terpenoid and Fatty Acid Profiling along with Anti‐Tyrosinase and Anti‐Urease Potentials of Scorzonera pygmaea Sibth. & Sm. an Endemic Plant of Turkey
- Hasan Şahin
- Mehmet Boğa
- Aynur Sarı
5. Two new phenolic compounds and some biological activities ofScorzonera pygmaeaSibth. & Sm. subaerial parts
- Hasan Şahin
- Aynur Sarı
- Nurten Özsoy
- Berna Özbek Çelik
- Onur Koyuncu
6. Polyphenolic composition and Antioxidant Effect of Aerial Parts and Roots Extracts from Scorzonera veratrifolia
- Duygu TAŞKIN
- Mert GEÇİM
- Ahmet DOĞAN
7. Biological Activity Evaluation of Scorzonera tomentosa L.
- Gülşen GÜÇLÜ
- Nuraniye ERUYGUR
- Esra UÇAR
- Halil BAL
- Danial KAHRİZİ
8. Phytochemical Composition and Biological Activities of Scorzonera Species
- Karolina Lendzion
- Agnieszka Gornowicz
- Krzysztof Bielawski
- Anna Bielawska
9. Üç Scorzonera L. Taksonunun Toprak Üstü ve Kök Kısımlarının Yağ Asidi Profillerinin Değerlendirilmesi
- Güneş AK
- Gokhan ZENGİN
10. Comparison of the Properties of the Extracts Prepared by a Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Method under Four Different Conditions
- Wonseok Kang
- Joong-Hyuck Auh
11. Phenolic compounds and in vitro antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial activities of Scorzonera hieraciifolia Hayek roots
- A. Sarı
- H. Şahin
- N. Özsoy
- B. Özbek Çelik
12. Investigation of the Dual Role of Scorzonera pygmaea: Cytotoxic Activity and Antioxidant Potential
- Mehmet Sarimahmut
- Ali Ganjloo