What Iranian Health Authorities Think About The Integration Of Medical Education And Health Services


avatar Habibolah Peirovi 1 , * , avatar Jamal Niyati 2 , avatar Shirin Niroomanesh 3 , avatar Eznollah Azargashb 4

Chancellor of Shaheed Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and Health Services.
Professor of Public Health and Chancellor's consultant.
Associate Professor of Gyneochology in Tehran University of Medical Sciences and Health Services.
Lecturer in Shaheed Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and Health Services.

How To Cite Peirovi H, Niyati J, Niroomanesh S, Azargashb E. What Iranian Health Authorities Think About The Integration Of Medical Education And Health Services. J Med Edu. 2001;1(1):e104929. https://doi.org/10.22037/jme.v1i1.5435.


This present article aims at exploring the Iranian experience of integration of medical education with health services by surveying the viewpoints of the authorities involved in the implementation of the plan.Questionnaires were designed and distributed among 127 senior managers at universities, such as chancellors and vice chancellors, professors, heads of educational departments and those authorities in the ministry of health and medical education who have been involved in the plan for integration since 1993.The findings of the analysis of the questionnaires reveal that the integration plan has been considered as " partly successful" by the majority of the participants. The participants' viewpoints in the open- ended questionnaires indicate the pros and cons in the implementation of the plan.  The result of the analysis is fed back into the system.


The body of the article can be found in the PDF file.


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    References are available in the PDF file.