Evaluation Of The Approved Research Proposals In Harnedan University Of Medical Sciences


avatar Hossein Mahjoub 1 , * , avatar GholamHossein Sadri 2

Assistant Professor of ft1edical Statistics, School of Public Health, Hamedan Medical University of ft1edical Sciences.
Assistant Professor of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, Hamedan University of ft1edical Sciences.

How To Cite Mahjoub H, Sadri G. Evaluation Of The Approved Research Proposals In Harnedan University Of Medical Sciences. J Med Edu. 2002;1(4):e104967. https://doi.org/10.22037/jme.v1i4.910.


Background Evaluating the research projects in qualitative and quantitative terms is necessary to clarify their advantages and disadvantages and to resolve the possible failures.Purpose the study aims to assess the quality of the approved research projects. The objective is to de­ termine whether the design of the research in the approved proposals is accurate in regard of different scientific aspects.Methods Questionnaires of78 approved research proposals in University of Medical Sciences, ·which were conducted by a faculty member, has been evaluated in terms of the principles of sampling, study methodology and consistency between these two items.Results Mistakes in sampling techniques, with a rate of 45.2%, were more evident than other items. 10.3% of study methodologies were incorrect, and the consistency of methodology and sampling was inaccurate in 26. 7% of  projects. 53.8% of projects had some kind of mistake in them.Conclusion Holding advanced workshops  on research  methodology  and  more strict  supervision at the time of approving research projects are recommended.


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