Clinical Skill Center: A Review Of Present Situation And Importance In Medical Education Curriculum


avatar Haleh Talaei 1 , * , avatar Monireh Sayyar 2 , avatar Shahram Yazdani 1

Education Development center, Shaheed Behesthi University of Medical Sciences.
Pediatrics Department, Azad University of Medical Sciences.

How To Cite Talaei H, Sayyar M, Yazdani S. Clinical Skill Center: A Review Of Present Situation And Importance In Medical Education Curriculum. J Med Edu. 2002;1(4):e104970.


Clinical skill centers were designed in 1960, offers innovative, more effective clinical health care and treatment curriculum. Clinical skill center (CSC) can provide a special facility for clinical and communication skills practice in a setting outside hospital wards in order to train students with enough confidence of confronting real patients.Learning clinical skills in these centers are not patient-dependent and by practicing on manikins and simulated models errors in real patients can be prevented. Moreover, possible feedback of this method can be used for evaluation and can improve quality and quantity of the education.This review intends to determine the purpose, undertaking, and structure of CSC. The study emphasizes the importance of integrating the clinical skill centers into the teaching curriculum of medical universities. Apparently, organizing clinical skill centers can play an important role for improving the quality and quantity of the educational system and consequently post-graduate performance. The authors recommend this program can be a solution for having both the knowledge and skill of diagnosis and treatment seasonal and rare diseases.


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