Randomized Controlled Trials As Sources Of Information In Evidence Based Medicine


avatar Seed Amir Mohsen Rezaiee 1 , *

Assistant professor of urology,Member of Committee for Teaching Universities'Faculty Members Educational Development Center.

How To Cite Rezaiee S A M. Randomized Controlled Trials As Sources Of Information In Evidence Based Medicine. J Med Edu. 2003;2(2):e105010. https://doi.org/10.22037/jme.v2i2.884.


Physicians are constantly challenged by their patients, the media, and the rapid pace of technological advance 10 keep abreast of new diagnostic and therapeutic developments. Evidence-based medicine (EBM) is the practice of making updated medical decisions through the judicious identification, evaluation, and application of the most relevant published information. RCTs are one of the best primary sources used in EBM  Thus, evaluation of the strength and validity of the RCTs that supports the discussion on making medical decisions seems to be necessary. Jn this paper, main types of biases occurred during the course of an RCT as well as Assessment of RCTs as sources of information in evidence-based medicine are discussed.


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