The Effect Of PBL And Film Showing, Frequent Quizzes And Lecture-Based Method On Short-Term Performance Of Dentistry Students


avatar M.S Sadr Lahijani 1 , * , avatar H.R Raoof Kateb 2

Endodontist, Dean of Rafsanjan Dentistry School, Rafsanjan Medical University.
Treatment manager, Rafsanjan Medical University.

How To Cite Sadr Lahijani M, Raoof Kateb H. The Effect Of PBL And Film Showing, Frequent Quizzes And Lecture-Based Method On Short-Term Performance Of Dentistry Students. J Med Edu. 2004;4(2):e105058.


Background: Advocates have proposed that frequent testing increases the effectiveness of instruction by encouraging learners to study and review more often. It has also been argued that in this way, student errors can be identified and corrected earlier and good performance can be recognized, leading to more positive attitudes toward learning process. In problem-based learning (PBL), medical students reportedly take a more active role in learning and have better recall than students in a conventional learning environment. The hypothetical benefits of a PBL and studentbasedenvironment and use of films in the class are the development of self-learning and problem-solving skills and enhancement of knowledge and motivation.Purpose: To examine the effect of combination of PBL method and film showing on the short-term performance of dentistry students and to compare it with lecture-based method and frequent quizzes.Methods: All students of 3 years (from 2000 till 2002) that had theoretical endodontic course (part 1) participated in this descriptive-analytic study. The scores of final examinations of this course were obtained from their files. Data were analyzed by SPSS software & ANOVA.Results: The results showed that by changing the way of learning (PBL and film showing) in 2001, there was a statistical difference between scores of the students of 2000 and 2001. Also there was a statistical difference with the students’ scores in 2002- the group with frequent quizzes.Conclusion: The variables such as changing the way of learning, using different methods in teaching, showing scientific films in class or, as a whole, active learning have significant effects on the results of final examination.


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