Educational Needs Assessment Of Mashad University Of Medical Sciences’ Managers In Management And Leadership


avatar A Emad Zade 1 , * , avatar H Karimi Mounaghi 2 , avatar H Bahreini Tousi 3 , avatar A Derakhshan 4 , avatar SH Seddigh Behzadi 5 , avatar M Sadeghi 6 , avatar H Darroudi 6

Senior educational expert ,EDC Mashad University of Medical Sciences &health Services.
Faculty member of Nursing & Midwifery Faculty, Mashad University of Medical Sciences &health Services.
Associate Professor, Medical Physics Department, Mashad University of Medical Sciences &health Services.
Assistant Professor, Ophtalmology Department, Mashad University of Medical Sciences &health Services.
Faculty Member, Faculty of Health sciences, Mashad University of Medical Sciences &health Services.
Educational expert ,EDC Mashad University of Medical Sciences &health Services.

How To Cite Emad Zade A, Karimi Mounaghi H, Bahreini Tousi H, Derakhshan A, Seddigh Behzadi S, et al. Educational Needs Assessment Of Mashad University Of Medical Sciences’ Managers In Management And Leadership. J Med Edu. 2004;4(2):e105062.


Background: The first step in human resource development is educational need assessment. A sound knowledge of managerial roles and skills is vital for a successful management in the educational system.Purpose: To determine the educational needs of managers and directors of Mashad Medical University in filed of educational management and leadership.Method: A survey of a 40-person sample of the university managers including deans and vice deans for education of the faculties and the heads of educational groups the data were analyzed with SPSS.Results: The mean age of the sample was 47.2(±7.5) and the mean duration of serving in managerial positions were 5.4(±3.6).The most needed items to be taught were identified as strategic planning in management, setting educational goals, deciding whether the ability to be a manager is inborn or must be acquired, main problems in educational planning and surveillance techniques, educational guidance, system analysis and educational evaluation.Characteristics of educational advisors were also of great importance.Conclusion: Our study showed that educational managers were aware of their need for further development of a sound basis of managerial knowledge.Key words: Need assessment, educational needs, educational managers.


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