Students' Viewpoints On The Educational Methods Used In Shaheed Sadoughi University Of Medical Sciences


avatar M.H Baghiani Moghadam 1 , * , avatar M.H Ehnampoush 2 , avatar S.H Yazdani 3 , avatar SH Fazelpour 4 , avatar H Karimi 5

Assisstant professor, Health services group, Yazd Shaheed Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences.
Assistant professor of environmental hygiene, Yazd Shaheed Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences.
Director of the educational Development centre,Shaheed Beheshti University of medical Sciences.
Expert in general hygiene, Yazd Shaheed Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences.
Faculty member, Yazd Shaheed Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences.

How To Cite Baghiani Moghadam M, Ehnampoush M, Yazdani S, Fazelpour S, Karimi H. Students' Viewpoints On The Educational Methods Used In Shaheed Sadoughi University Of Medical Sciences. J Med Edu. 2004;5(1):e105086.


Background: An education of desirable quality is the one which ends in an effective learning. Students interest on the educational method used may enhance their learning.Purpose: To determine Students' viewpoints on the educational methods offered in medical universitiesMethods: This cross sectional study investigates the student's viewpoints on the educational methods used in the medical university teaching. The cases were selected by randomized sampling and a questionnaire was completed by the subjects.Results: Of all subjects, 63% who were 24 years or older considered group discussion as the best educational method. 53.1% of the students valued group discussion as a prior educational method and 51% of the studentsdeemed it an effective method while 13.4% preferred lectures and 75.3% marked "the professors skill and enthusiasm for teaching" a effective factor in the education process.Conclusion: More interactive methods such lecture with question and answerers is rather a simple change but may improve the students’ satisfaction.


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