Web-Based Medical Education: The Experience In Iran


avatar Abbas Forootan 1 , *

Facutly Member, Shaheed Behesthi University of Medical Sciences & Health Services.

How To Cite Forootan A. Web-Based Medical Education: The Experience In Iran. J Med Edu. 2004;5(1):e105088. https://doi.org/10.22037/jme.v5i1.818.


Background: World Wide Web is growing more accessible with lower costs throughout the world and in Iran this makes web – based education a convenient option for delivering at least part of education in medicine.Purpose: To establish the foundation of web-based medical educationMethods: Three major fields for developing educational modules were identified: UME, faculty development, and CME programs. In each field one or more modules were designed and conducted.Results: The student had the main role in the classes They found the modules satisfactory and session as long as 8 hours were completed without any students’ complaint. CME course received the same warm welcome from the participants.Conclusion: Given the rapid expansion of computer and web access in Iran and the potentials of computer assisted or web-based learning, it seems reasonable at this time to invest on e-learning in terms of physical, technical and human resources.


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