Comparison Of The Student’s And Faculty Members’ Opinions About Reform In Gp Education In Hamedan, Lorestan And Ahvaz Universities Of Medical Sciences – 2003


avatar M Momen Nasab 1 , * , avatar S Tofighi 2

Faculty member of Lorestan University of Medical Sciences.
Associate professor and Faculty member of Bahiatolah University of Medical sciences.

How To Cite Momen Nasab M, Tofighi S. Comparison Of The Student’s And Faculty Members’ Opinions About Reform In Gp Education In Hamedan, Lorestan And Ahvaz Universities Of Medical Sciences – 2003. J Med Edu. 2004;6(1):e105113.


Purpose: The objective of this study was to determine the viewpoints of faculty members and students of lorestan, Hamedan, and Ahvaz universities of medical sciences about reform in GP educational program.Methods: In this descriptive – analytic study 268 subjects including 170 interns and 98 faculty members teaching basic sciences and psychopathology courses were chosen randomly from the students and faculty members of lorestan, Hamedan, and Ahvaz universalities of medical sciences. The too for collecting data was a two-part questionnaire which was validated by (?) method.Results: the majority of students thaught reform is necessary in basic sciences, physiopathology and apprenticeship sections and also the majority of faculty members believed that reform should be carriedout in apprenticeship section.Both students and faculty members believed that the basic disciplines of microbiology, anatomy, and physiology have a high application in clinical education periods and parasitology, general pathology, and immunology have a moderate level of application. The level of application of lessons embryology, biochemistry, biophysics, mycology, biostatics, genetics, general health, epidemiology, and nutrition was assessed as low from the viewpoint of students and high from the viewpoint of faculty members. (P= 0.000) Both faculty members and interns agreed that for the purpose of better education in apprenticeship period more emphasis should be put on common regional diseases and on practical skills, a few should beconsidered for apprentices, and reports should be written in patient’s files.The majority of interns and faculty members believed that a GP does not own enough competencies in the fields of communication, medical ethics, health and prevention knowledge, research skills and patient education.There was no significant difference between the viewpoints of students and those of the faculty members in three universities studied.Conclusion: the results of this study show that most of the students and faculty members believe that reform s necessary in medical education. Also absence of significant difference among the students andfaculty members view points of three dissimilar universities indicates the problems present in medical education.


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